Turning Up

Meditation can involve both wandering and wondering!  The mind wanders and when we find it difficult to quieten our thoughts, we may decide that we are no good at meditation and so give up.  It helps to remember that the mind will always judge and criticize our attempts to be still.

The mind is outraged at being sidelined and this is part of its defense.  We can choose to understand and accept that.

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Smoke and Gold

At the time of writing, it is winter in the North of England and lately there’s been snow, hail, sleet, frosty mornings and icy winds.  I’m glad to be able to light a coal fire sometimes and sit and watch the flames.  

There’s a whole process of clearing ashes, chopping kindling wood and fetching coal and this led me to consider a few things about tending the hearth.  Recently the chimney-sweep came and I was reminded of my father, who used to be a fireman.  He had often attended chimney fires and warned me of the dangers.

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Creative Change

Every one of us emits an electromagnetic field.  These fields of energy and the information contained in them change according to what we are thinking and how we are feeling.

Our emotions affect not only our own nervous system but others around us in profound ways. Each person’s individual energy affects both the collective energy and the environment.

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Play and Pause

“All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts…”

William Shakespeare

Over the ages, many people have likened human life to a play, also describing it as a script, which we ourselves are writing, staging and performing.  Throughout our lives, we each have many roles, in various dramas, with countless changes of scenery, props, cast and crew and we become lost in the illusion of it all.  On this earthly stage, there is much to play with, despair of and delight in!

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An Open Hand

If we clench our fist and then very slowly allow the hand to uncurl and open, resting there for a moment and repeating this a few times, we can feel how the energy changes between these two states.

If we clench our fist and then very slowly allow the hand to uncurl and open, resting there for a moment and repeating this a few times, we can feel how the energy changes between these two states.  The tight fist is tense and grasping, needy and defensive, greedy and aggressive.

The open hand is peacefully inviting; it lets go and is able to give, receive and co-operate.

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A Heron Messenger

I was working in an office that overlooked a river, running through the centre of town. It was good to be able to step outside and take a refreshing break by the water.  A heron often visited here, swooping gracefully down, to the delight of those passing by. 

People would stop and take a moment to watch as the heron stood very still by the water, providing a picture of poise and a focus for a moment of calm reflection.

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A Chink of Light

If we find ourselves shut in a very dark room, it takes a while for our eyes to adjust.  At first we can’t see anything at all. Then, if there is even the smallest chink of light, we begin to get our bearings. 

We are able to make out shapes, find our way around and locate the door! Even a tiny amount of light can help us to change our situation, once we have adapted.

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What Can I Do?

“I am only one, but I am one.
I cannot do everything but I can do something.
And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do.”
Edward Everett Hale

These are turbulent times and in the midst of so much conflict and chaos, hearts are troubled.  Many people are feeling uncertainty, anxiety and fear in their everyday lives. Collectively we are facing huge challenges and crises.  There is a growing sense that we have an emergency on our hands and there is a yearning for greater peace and stability.  In different ways people are asking: “What can I do that will help?”

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